Friday, March 4, 2011

View Finder Assignment !

Year 3 CyberArts started off with, a bang! We started off the year, by making large pastel drawings. The basic idea was to draw what ever came to mind after reading a quote, we rotated at different tables and drew what ever we felt like. Following that we learned a bit about different compositions and made view finders and were told to crop any piece of the large pastel drawings we did as a class. From that cropping, the assignment was to make a large pastel and two paintings, one large and one small. The point of the assignment was to learn about what kings of mediums worked , with certain compositions and so that we could get comfortable using a variety of different mediums. The composition I chose was that diagonal composition. The red line create a bold diagonal, which is interesting and very dominant, which makes the composition very appealing.

This is my large painting. The point of this painting was to use a large brush and to become familiar with large gestural brush strokes and different techniques. I am quite satisfied with my large painting. I feel like I have learned an important lesson, that nit picking and spending to much time on something is not always good and that sometimes you have to do things within a time limit and with less control.

This is my pastel, I'm extremely proud of it, because of the growth I can see in it. From my first pastel in year 1 CyberArts. I have learned a great deal of what works and what does not. I really thing, that I have accomplished a fair range of lights and darks, considering I had trouble with shading with pastels previous to this assignment.

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