Saturday, March 26, 2011

Romanticism Collage Artist Statement !

Hello everyone !!!
In art we recently learned about Romanticism and did a little assignment. This is the collage I made.
My collage depicts the devastation of mother earth by human Intervention. I have tried to portray this using images of destruction. The central Image shows a decaying fish that has been killed by the oil and toxic waste which is often released into the sea.

The collage is Romantic because it demonstrates four key factors of Romanticism: Drama, A central focal point, contrast and emotion. The whole concept of Human interventions destroying mother earth is quite dramatic. The concept and images, arouse an array of emotions and the contrast of colour images and the black and white images, along with the contrast of before and after tie the piece to Romanticism.

The composition I chose is diagonal, so there is two images of humans both images black and white. The images emphasize the the stark reality of human indifference and the other concern for the environment. The colours of the images used are not bold nor bright but. rather solid dark colours, to help the viewer understand the seriousness of our environmental problems. The images and colours I chose , are to show what was and what it has become and who is responsible. I hope my collage strikes a chard of concern in all hearts of humans.

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