Friday, September 18, 2009

Rhythm 2

Well I'm just going to take a stab at critiquing my work...

The assignment was to create a rhythm where you could vary the direction, quality, type and position of the lines. In this piece I used lines with a variety of sizes in slightly different directions. I used the same quality of line and  kept the same thickness and space. I used the longer lines and shorter lines to creates the illusion of depth. Take a look at the image I created, what do you see ? When I look at it  from a bird's eye view, I see a a rope bridge, when looking at it straight on I see a musical beat. When I was creating the piece I was thinking of musical beats, I was inspired by something I saw on a application called Garageband. Overall I'm content with the piece, what I enjoy about it is that everyone who looks at it sees a new perspective of it.