Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dual Portrait

Hey, everyone !

Today I want to share a my watercolour Dual Portrait with you.

For this assignment, we were asked to create a portrait that show duality of our personalities. The main concept of my portrait is to show that the way someone portrays them self may not be, their true feelings/personality. My concept shows a girl anxious and angry, in a sensitive state of mind, however she's hiding by the tree and her silhouette, which is in the lighter portion of the picture is what others see, the exuberant, light hearted part of her.

The two sides of my personality I wanted to show are both completely opposite. The first quality I wanted to show was anxious and unhappy and the second was exuberant. I wanted to express these two side of my personality because, everyone knows I'm always happy and friendly, however I have another side of my personality, which is more sensitive and anxious . The figure which is anxious has very expressive brush strokes around her, so that we can understand her emotional state. The silhouette has soft brushstrokes that are blended together and I used light colours, to convey happiness.

The reason I chose watercolour was because it's blends well and drys fast! We were not given a lot of time and although I took a few days to come up with a concept I spent minimal time on it. Overall I like the way it turned out. Although I wish I wouldn't have messed up on taping the border.

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